Children & Families

Home 9 Children & Families

We offer a variety of programs and opportunities to teach children about God’s love for them and increase their knowledge and understanding of the Bible. We are committed to equipping parents with the support and resources to help them nurture their children’s faith at home. View a listing of our 2023-2024 Christian Education programs for all ages.

Our Sunday morning Church School classes meet 9:45-10:45am, September through May. We also offer a summer Bible school program and many seasonal events for children and families throughout the year.

Contact Marietta to receive Westminster’s “Faith @Home” newsletter for families. It’s packed with activities and resources!

Volunteers and staff that serve in our ministries for children and youth are required to complete Westminster’s Child & Youth Protection Policy Training and renew their training every three years.

Learn more about our children’s programs


WPC cares deeply for all of God’s children! We provide a safe and loving environment where each child can experience God’s love within this community of faith. Westminster provides regular nursery and childcare during Sunday morning worship services and during the Church School hour. The Nursery is located on the ground floor of the Holderness Mission Center.

Godly Play

Children have an innate sense of the presence of God. What they often lack is the language to express their faith, the experiences of hearing and seeing the stories of Scripture, and the time and space to respond. Godly Play, a Montessori-inspired method of teaching and learning, draws children into the story of God’s people – our story – through storytelling, reflection, art, writing, singing, and imaginative play. It is a special place to “be with God, to listen to God, and talk to God.” A Godly Play session follows the flow of a worship service: the call to assemble in God’s name, to hear and respond to God’s Word, to give thanks, and to go forth in God’s name with a blessing. View some of our Godly Play storytelling videos.

Godly Play is for children four years through first grade and meets on Sunday mornings during the 11:00am worship service from September through May. Children go to worship with their families and are excused following the Children’s Message. A Godly Play volunteer meets them in the Courtyard to take them to the Godly Play Room (Room G10 on the ground floor of the Mission Center), where parents can pick them up after worship.

Sunday Church School

Sunday morning Christian education classes are provided for children and youth, age 2 through 12th grade. All classes are led by teams of adult volunteer teachers who are committed to the mission of telling and living the Good News of God and God’s relationship with us through Jesus Christ. Church School classes met September through May, 9:45-10:45am.

Contact Info

Marietta Wynands
Marietta Wynands
Director of Christian Education
(919) 489-4974
ext. 104